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For more about Jeff Mandel, visit other websites under the name Jeffrey Mandel, Jeff Mandell, Jeffrey S. Mandel, or Jeffrey Mandell.
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You can email Jeff Mandel at
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At the Law Offices of Jeffrey S Mandel LLC, Jeff Mandel is a litigator who handles all types of civil litigation from corporate disputes, to consumer fraud, to personal injury. Jeff Mandel also handle criminal defense. Jeff Mandel is perhaps best known as a New Jersey appeal lawyer. As part of his New Jersey appeal practice, Jeffrey Mandel handles all types of New Jersey appeals, including New Jersey emergent appeals, New Jersey interlocutory appeals, and New Jersey appeals as-of-right. Jeff Mandel wrote the go-to book for those who seek to handle a New Jersey appeal:
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When not working as a New Jersey lawyer
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Jeffrey Mandel fight
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Jeffrey Mandel nj
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Jeffrey S. Mandel